Wooden Tractor

8 thoughts on “Wooden Tractor

  1. Gostaria de saber onde eu consigo os desenhos para cortar a madeira

      1. Hi your work is great I’d watch your videos all day keep up the good work and ideas, and ur patterns are cool are you going to be putting up some of your other ones like the porsche??

        1. Thank you. My other patterns are coming soon.

  2. Hello, your work is so good and i enjoy to looking your projects. Sorry for my bad english. 🙂

  3. wie gewöhnlich, wieder eine tolle Arbeit

  4. Je vous ai achetĂ© un plan pour le tracteur ! C’est vraiment très beau .j’ai hâte de le faire. Mes petits enfants vont aprecier. Merci ! Ă€ bientĂ´t.

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